日期 :11 月 28 日及 29 日
事项 :急救学教官授训课
地点 :国家总部
主办单位 : 直辖区训练部,谭翠玲参谋官
参与资格 :
A) 集密急救课程合格者及完成 60 小时紧急部服务
B) 急救学教官资格期限到期者
急救学教官授训考试日期 - 12 月 13 日(日)在国家总部
This is an official website of the St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, Chinese Speaking Divisions Joint Committee, Federal Territory. Copyright @ 2005 St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, CSDJC. All rights reserved. The names "St. John Ambulance", "St. John Ambulans" and the emblem are protected under the law of Malaysia and other laws where St. John Ambulance or the Order of the St. John exists. Unauthorised used is prohibited. (SJAM WP Chinese Speaking official website was launched By Dato Dr. Lee HT.)