Tuesday, March 22, 2011

CPR 2010 - C.A.B

for lay rescuer (health care provider refer to your officers)

Chain of Survival (from left to right)
1) EMS
2) CPR
3) AED
4) Effective advanced life support
5) integrated post-cardiac arrest care

D - Danger : check for danger

R - Response : check casualty's level of responsiveness (AVPU)

C - CPR : (30 ECC + 2 EAR) x 5 cycles in 2 minutes
(p/s : compression pace 100 per minute)

A - Airway : (head tilt and chin lift) open airway

B - Breathing : check for breathing and check for sign of life (B.M.C)

NO B.M.C. then repeat the 5 cycles, continuous for 6 minutes (3 of 5-cycles)