Body Fat Distribution & Health
Moderate amounts of body fat do not compromise health. However, excess fat above the hips carries a far greater health risk than fat on or below the hips, better to be "pear-shape" than an "apple-shape".
Abdominal obesity greatly increases the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, high blood fats, hypertension, stroke, sleep apnea, arthritis and some cancers. So called "cellulite" carries no extra health risk.
Waist Circumference directly reflects the increased health risk of abdominal obesity. Waist size associated with a high health risk : (Men - over 40"; Women - over 35").
Body Mass Index (BMI = weight / height)
BMI is a general (but not specific) indicator of body fatness. Although BMI alone is not diagnostic, the higher the BMI, the greater the health risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. BMI does not apply to heavily muscled persons. BMI is use in a different way for children.
BMI Classification :
BMI below 19 - underweight
BMI 19 ~ 24.9 - healthy weight (low health risk)
BMI 25 ~ 29.9 - overweight (moderate health risk)
BMI 30 ~ 40 - obese (high health risk)
BMI over 40 - morbid obesity (very high health risk)
Eat Sensibly:
* avoid fad diets. Eat 3 sensible meals daily with adequate fruits and vegetables
* limit portion size. Limit fats and high-fat foods, sugar, soda and alcohol.
Exercise Daily:
* get active and exercise every day
* include muscle-strengthening exercises. You'll lose more fat and keep it off. You'll also feel and look better, and you can eat a little more.
Reshape Eating Behaviors:
* be aware of eating habits and behaviors that lead to overeating
* also focus on social and emotional situations that lead you to snack compulsively.
Keep a Food and Exercise Journal:
* a journal helps you see exactly what you eat and drink, and how much you exercise.
* an excellent motivator and proven weight loss aid. Keeps you honest.
Diabetes Guide : (please stay tune .........)